
Folly, Grace, and Power: The Mysterious Act of Preaching is unavailable, but you can change that!

When you stand before your congregation, what do you hope to accomplish when you preach the Word? If people have Bibles and the freedom to read and pray on their own—why do they need you? In short, what do you bring to the table? Author, Pastor, and Professor John Koessler answers those questions and many more. Why does one sermon have a powerful effect on the audience while another falls flat?...

and presents listeners with an “airbrushed” version of the Christian life. This kind of preaching is exemplified in the comment made by one of my son’s friends after attending a nearby megachurch. When asked how he liked the service, he complained, “They’re just a little too happy there.” I knew exactly what he meant. The music is always perky. The sermons are always upbeat. Every serious problem raised during the message is neatly resolved within a matter of minutes, much like the television dramas
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